There’s currently a lot of talk about energy-clearing, and it’s hardly surprising considering all the crazy energy fluctuations we’re currently navigating at this time of enormous change and transition. You don’t even have to consider yourself an empath to be impacted by all the weird energy that’s currently flying around on the planet. Energy clearing and aura cleansing are absolutely essential at times like this. But What is Energy Clearing and why is it so important?
What is Energy Clearing?
If you’re someone who is easily affected by negative energy, it’s not only your energy field that’s affected. Energy that’s heavy, depressive, oppressive or deliberately destructive can not only cling to the energy field in general but it can also infiltrate the mental and emotional bodies and change the way we think, feel, behave, and even our ability to handle stress. These intruding and often very imposing energies can often rob us of our joy in the moment and, over the long term, they can even have an impact on our health.
Having an energy clearing session or using energy techniques on yourself can put you back into a state of peace and inner harmony, in ways that go far beyond what makes sense to the logical mind. Ask any empath why they feel better after an energy clearing session and they’ll probably say, I don’t know. I just do.
Until recently, this strange and intangible essence – this whole ‘energy’ thing - was hardly ever spoken about in polite circles. These days, however, everyone’s talking about vibes and energies. We’ve come a long way!
So, now, here we are in the midst of a colossal collective awakening and it is more important than ever before that we educate ourselves on the proper care and cleansing of the personal and collective energy of those who inhabit the planet.
Clearing Energy Blocks
Many people who are slowly becoming aware of the importance of energy, are still unaware of the extent to which lower energies, entities and unpleasant thought-forms can affect us when they cling to our vulnerable areas - our chakras, our emotional weaknesses, our self-doubt, and any other unresourceful patterns of thinking.
When you’re feeling a little down, energies of a similar nature can easily become attracted and attached to you. They amplifying those feelings until they are blown out of proportion, and you find yourself behaving in peculiar ways. If you have recurring negative thought patterns that have become deeply ingrained, these will also have corresponding energies – ones that will work to bring you back to the same patterns even when you have begun to work on healing them.
Even if the energies you have absorbed are not dramatically destructive, clearing energy blocks of even a mildly inhibiting nature can help us to return to our true selves and find more inner harmony and peace.
And these energies may not even be your own! If there are people in your life, for example, who don’t see your vision or who have agendas and ideas about what might be best for you, they may have a subtle influence on your thoughts, feelings, and intentions. You might easily find that when you spend time in the company of these people, you come away feeling a little less sure of yourself or your plans.
If you often feel bewildered, unsure of your path, or find yourself constantly changing your mind about who you are, how you want to show up in the world, or what you feel is your true life path, it’s possible that there are some overshadowing influences around you.
If you wake up in the morning feeling exhausted after a full night of comfortable sleep, it’s possible that you have absorbed some energies that don’t belong to you throughout the night, while your physical body was fast asleep.
If you often doubt yourself and never seem to be able to move ahead in life, you almost certainly need to start working on clearing energy blocks. If you are an empath, healer, or intuitive, it is essential that you find ways to expel negative messages, energies and influences from your energy field on a regular basis.
What is Energy Clearing with the Angels
When you work with angels and guides to clear your energy field, particularly Archangel Michael, you will not only be confident that you are working with higher frequencies, you will also feel their love and the cleansing impact that their presence has on your energy.
Depending on your beliefs, praying to God and asking the Holy Spirit to cleanse and renew your energy, your life, your home and your thoughts is also incredibly powerful.
Let Me Help You!
If you’d like to go deeper into this topic and get some extra tips, please read my energy clearing guide or book a mentoring session with me.
Let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with!