Breakthrough Coaching
with Angels & Spirit Guides
How Will Coaching Help Me..? |
Sometimes, when we step out onto the path in search of our higher truth and destiny, we experience a deep well of inner fear, darkness and doubt that seem insurmountable, sending us round in circles, repeating the same limiting circumstances, time after time. As you sit reading this message, you might still be wondering why you're stuck in the same old dramas and patterns. What exactly is this mysterious 'thing' that prevents you from moving forward in life and becoming all you can be.... ?
You might be completely baffled and utterly frustrated with yourself, wondering why the heck you haven't "done it" yet. But your angels know what stops you ..and they also know how to heal it. Your guides know why it's there, and they also know how choosing these particular life lessons has allowed you to become the amazing being you are today. But now it's time to move ahead! No more excuses! The world is waiting for you. If you are here on a mission to live an extraordinarily joyful, creative, prolific life and to change the world, then this ground-breaking coaching is designed especially for you! Using a range of inspired spiritual techniques, high frequency healing modalities and of course, wisdom and guidance from our angels and guides, the aim is always, first and foremost, to bring you the breakthrough that has eluded you until now. If you are ready to accept that things can change in beautiful, magical ways, regardless of what has come before, book a taster session and we'll see if we might be able to work together. If you are ready to go beyond inner wounding, pessimism and self-doubt and take the journey of a lifetime, just let me know. If you're ready to overcome your deepest resistance and embrace the happy, successful life you were always meant to live, get in touch. Try it and see! 45 Minute Coaching Taster Session
What is 5D Coaching? |
Success with purpose and meaning.. Inspired and guided by spirit.
Each Individual coaching program is completely personalised and unique, but here are some of the elements included in most programs:
4 Week Spiritual Coaching Package Step by step we will work together in this program to discover, explore, and release blocks, barriers and internalized nay-saying. You might also connect with your angels and guides for the first time or discover which higher guides you are working with on your artistic creations. This is a magical birthing process that will set you on the path that lights you up and keeps your inner light burning brightly, possibly for the rest of your time in this incarnation - finally living the life you were born to live! 4 Week Spiritual Coaching Package