Friday's message, is 'You Found it!', from the beautiful Saints and Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. This is a card of great triumph, so I'm expecting that whatever you were asking for at the beginning of the week, there has been some new light shed on the answer by now. On Friday, you might finally realise the solution to many problems at once or receive the answer to one of those nagging doubts or questions. You might find just the perfect course of study, finally get a response to an important application, or receive a message about something else you were waiting to hear about. The nail-biting should be over today. The Universe is smiling now. You might suddenly find yourself able to communicate with someone who has recently been a little bit closed emotionally, or just begin to know for certain how to proceed with a particular course of action. So Friday is a day of revelations and release.
Saturday's Card is 'Higher Education', so for many, it will be the day to commit to a course of study, as a result of Friday's new revelations. It could also just be a day when we begin to understand our current situation from a higher perspective and begin to appreciate the love that's constantly around us. For all students, it's a day to trust your learning journey and remember that true learning is not only about what you are studying, it's about who you will become as a result. Keep on keeping on. You're doing great!
Finally, we have just the perfect card for Sunday (usually a nice, reflective, quiet vibey sort of day for most) - 'Faith'. We seem to have received this message a lot during the week, so I asked, 'What do we need to have faith in...?' The card I picked was 'Sweetness'. So the message for Sunday is, have faith in the sweetness of life. Remember it, restore it, seek it in the form of communications with our Guardian Angel and in the quiet moments spent listening to our own dear, sweet hearts and sweethearts.
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